Monet Water Plus Ice Bottleless Dispensers
State-of-the-Art Water & Ice for Office and BreakroomsMonet Bottleless Water Coolers for Office and Home
The Art of Hydration
On demand, get water and ice. Water PLUS Ice is an office bottleless water dispenser game-changer! Monet dispenses the softest ice and sparkling filtered water from one unit at the touch of a button. Monet’s water and ice machine ensures quality and durability as well as dependability – An ideal addition to any office or breakroom!
Artisan Ice
Soft. Chewable. Fresh!

Clearly Colorado is the Leading Suppier of Monet Bottleless Water & Ice Dispensers on the Front Range
We Sell, Install and Service Monet Bottleless Water & Ice Dispensers
Monet DM – Better Way to Hydrate
Monet’s single-purpose bottleless water system provides clean hot and cold water with the latest in filtration technology and an industry-leading user experience.
Monet’s bottleless dispensers provide greater hygiene and increased sustainability compared to bottled options. The latest water filtration and LED UV technologies provide a continuous supply of clean fresh tasting water without the need for bulky 5-gallon or plastic single-use bottles.
Monet DMI – Better Way to Hydrate
Monet’s bottleless dispensers provide greater hygiene and increased sustainability compared to bottled options. The latest filtration and LED UV technologies provide a continuous supply of clean fresh tasting water without the need for bulky 5-gallon or plastic single-use bottles.
Monet’s dual-purpose filtered water and ice system provides all the capabilities of the DM, plus a nugget ice machine in a cooler-sized container for refreshing, chewable ice.
Modern Bottleless Dispenser Design
With LCD display screens, backlit dispensing areas, and eye-catching aesthetics, Monet’s dispensers are designed to delight and improve the look of any space.
Monet water and ice machines are designed from the ground up to be integrated together and to perform well over time, resulting in less maintenance requirements compared to standard ice machines.
Responsive User Interface
Monet has developed sleek touch screen icons that allow to you request hot and cold water quickly and easily, so you don’t have to troubleshoot or fuss with your machine.
Soft, Chewable Ice
We offer artisanal nugget ice alongside our water filtration in a cooler-sized container, so you can enjoy soft, chewable ice without having to install a clunky commercial machine.
Extra Large Dispense Area
Seamlessly fill any water vessel with a 12-inch water dispense area that helps you avoid unhygienic practices such as touching the dispenser nozzle.
Home Water Delivery
Business Water Delivery
Office Coffee Service
Filtered Water Dispensers
Air Purification