Most of us have moved away from drinking tap water for one reason or another. Safety concerns about what chemicals, contaminants, and toxins that there are not public safety standards for. Additives that haven’t been through long term testing. Sometimes just for the simple fact that local water has an off putting smell or taste. Often that metallic taste is what keeps our kids from learning to enjoy drinking water at an early age and getting them to stay hydrated can then become a daily struggle.

One solution many have gone to is to keep large supplies of individually bottled water in their home for drinking and cooking. While this may be a preferable solution than tap, it is costly in a variety of ways. Of course there is the expense of every pallet of water, the gas spent driving back and forth from the store, and the time waste of finding storage within your home. There is a huge environmental cost to each of those bottles that many may not fully see. From creation to wasting away in a landfill for decades. Of course there is also the added clutter they create in your recycling bin before they even make it that far.

These are all reasons why simply calling a local home water delivery service makes sense for your family. They will set up a delivery plan that works with your busy schedule and their friendly delivery staff will bring the water into your home for you. You can choose to rent or buy the stand, cooler or unit that is right for you and your family. Billing is a breeze and you will quickly see savings versus buying those wasteful individual bottles. Call today to set up an appointment for a free quote and start enjoying pure, delicious drinking water your entire family will love.